BadCoder Consolation

Atari Jaguar Video-Games Programming and Development

Uploading to Atari STUBulated Atari Alpine 2

First of all make sure that you have a fully working Atari Alpine 2 development system. I am using an old laptop running DOS and Windows to develop on, and using the DOS WDB to upload to the STUBbed Jaguar.
If you are lucky enough to have an Atari Alpine with STUB ROM Jaguar then you should also have the official Atari or Cross Products development kit software. The STUBulated Jaguar ROM offers no register dump, or options to load programs directly to the Jaguar via the joystick port, like the BJL ROM.
If you have the Atari software, use RDBJAG or WDB to upload the .COF files to $4000, the .COF files have a header which the program will recognise and upload the program to the correct address, then run them as normal. (The programs run in internal Jaguar RAM, but could have been linked to run from cartridge. I linked to $4000 so that BJL users could run the programs as well.)
