BadCoder Consolation

Atari Jaguar Video-Games Programming and Development

Uploading to JagOS (Favard Kit) Modified Jaguar

The Favard kit apparently loads .JAG files just as BJL does but at present the software to upload code to it only runs on the Atari ST, although the developers are working on a PC version. The ROM provides an Atari TOS style desktop and supports some Atari TOS operating system calls to help developers.
JagOS 1.03 in action.
BadCoder hopes to try this kit in the near future too, but at this time cannot give detailed instructions on uploading to JagOS, but my binaries intended for the BJL will all load on JagOS too.

Although I have not tested this myself I am informed by a JagOS user that my .JAG binaries run fine with JagOS.